Monday, January 27, 2020
Introduction To Marketing Management Marketing Essay
Introduction To Marketing Management Marketing Essay Marketing management is the act of choosing and targeting different markets and creating good relationships with them, regarding the resources of the company. The marketing managers are the responsible for directing and entering a company to different markets by setting a marketing plans and strategies based on information allocated by studying the markets and defining the needs and wants of customers and come up with products that satisfy the needs of customers and gain the market. According to Richard Branson, the founder and owner of Virgin Company, one of the richest and famous entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom and worldwide, A business has to be involving, it has to be fun and it has to exercise your creative instinct. In marketing we almost use the four Ps, (product, price, promotion, place), these four Ps represent a convenient way to summarize the main factors involved in any marketing strategy. Often, marketing strategy will evaluate a marketing plan in order to specify how able the company to implement the strategy decided and meet the business objectives. The purposes of marketing plan to help you state your vision, mission and values, it needs to include your marketing budget, marketing strategy and the advertising plan you will use to market your business, and you need to keep it flexible to be sure you rich you goals and invest the money wisely. Vision is about the future situation that a business wishes to have, the visions intention is to control, to guide, and to encourage the business as a whole to achieve the desirable state of the business. -Here The vision of the company Mission are a measurable goals, the company has to know where it is going, and its current situation along the process, a business can have many different missions under the format of the vision of the business. -Here you put the mission of Turkish airline Values define the business beliefs, the rules that control the business to your peers, your staff and importantly to your customers. Your behaviors have a negative impact. -Here you put the mission of Turkish airline marketing strategy aims and objectives Is what unique position will the company be able to achieve, what the other advantage that the company will have at the end of the day and how the company will sustain these advantages all the time and thats will drive the company. A marketing strategy is about the designed marketing plan to achieve a certain marketing objectives, there might some objectives like becoming the market leader. The strategic plan here is a planning with details includes a marketing research, and next evaluating a marketing mix to become the leader. Every company needs to have marketing objectives to work on and achieve the strategy. In a marketing strategy time is everything as long as the company take the advantage to plan, distribute, and to develop. SWOT ANALYSIS : is a technique uses to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your business and determine the opportunities and threats that your business might face. The SWOT analysis of Turkish airlines based on a face to face interview of the marketing manager said, Strengths of Turkish airlines are: Good relationships with the staff. Strong marketing strategy. Punctuality of flights. Sixty seven destinations from Morocco. One of the best airline companies in the Middle East, competing with Fly Emirates and Qatar Airlines. Customers care. Good services. Qualified staff. Attractive flights prices. Cargo flight service. Ranked 4 stars sky plate. Weaknesses of Turkish airlines are: Brand awareness in Morocco. No flights in destination to the countries in the East of Europe like Ukraine and Romania. Opportunities of Turkish airline are: Weak competition with African and south American aircraft companies. Royal Air Maroc got a weak marketing strategy. Focusing on getting destinations to most of the Asian countries, not like Royal Air Maroc that is focusing only on Chinese destinations. Daily flight to Istanbul, Royal Air Maroc has only three flights per week. Jakarta in Indonesia is the farthest destination for the Moroccan customers. Threats that Turkish airlines takes into consideration: High competition with big companies like fly emirates and others Random shocks, (political, social or natural events) Changes in government policy, ( the government may use a contraction monetary policy to prevent inflation which will effect the business) Turkish airlines staff are proud of the business and they are highly confident in the strategy of the managers to expand in all over the world and being global, in morocco they dont consider it as a big market even in their advertising strategy they are not planning to use Moroccan people or a Moroccan symbol to deal with the psychology of the Moroccans, but in general they are doing well, for example, in the strengths they are taking into consideration the most important part which are customers and how to provide to them a friendly and a good atmosphere in the agency and the plan. In the weaknesses as we mentioned above they dont really make a big effort to create brand awareness in morocco which is not professional and we did not like it. They have great opportunities to provide a better service than the African companies and South America and this is because of the less resources available in those countries, in they are completely true to do not consider la RAM as a big competitor and that as the manager mentioned about the marketing strategy that la RAM follow, and from our points of view, it has been so long that we have not seen or hear or read in thing about la RAM, either in the TV or RADIO or MAGAZINS or in the streets etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., which very good for Turkish airlines to expand and growth. The threats that Turkish airlines take into consideration are challenging, they to be very smart and not make quick decisions which well affects the business. Market research Marketing research is the collection and analysis of data to study a particular target market, environment, and competition. These data collected whether it is primary research, collected direct from a respondent, or secondary research (desk research) The purpose of market research is to increase the understanding of the project matter. For a market research the company might decide to work on the project by themselves, or to conduct a market research agency or consultancy to do it, but the company must decide in advance the research objectives. Quantitative research is a statistical analysis of a numeric data collected by a questionnaire survey that involves a ways to get numbers. For example, Turkish airlines might ask its customers to rate the overall service satisfaction as either very satisfied, satisfied, somewhat satisfied or poor. In quantitative research every respondent has to be asked the same questions series and involves a large number of questionnaires. Qualitative research is about understanding why or how the consumer see and buy a certain product this research might be done in a supermarket for example by asking the buyer why hi or she choose that type of product, in qualitative research the set of questions is not fixed.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Grade World History Essay
Before King Leopold the II of Belgium colonized the Congo, it was known for its independence. It was the ideal place to be for the Europeans. It was geographically diverse, it had mineral enriched soils, deposits of gold, diamonds copper and manganese, and it had a large animal population, lots of plants. King Leopold saw potential in the Congo and made it his. He had an American man, Henry Stanley; secure treaties with all the local chiefs. With those he had complete power of the land. Imperialism on the Belgian Congo had a negative affect in many ways, including geographically, politically and psychologically. One of the major impacts is psychological. Psychological impacts are ones that mess with people’s emotions. King Leopold was a man who did not care about other peoples emotions or their state of being; he cared about himself and how much money he was going to make with the Congo. To quote a Congolese states on the amount of psychological torture he put some of the Congolese people in: â€Å"I ran away with two old people, but they were caught and killed, and the soldiers made me carry the baskets holding their cut-off hands. They killed my little sister, threw her in a house and set it on fire.†(8) The person that is talking sounds like a child. If a child was going through this, which many did, witnessing something this horrifying can be very emotionally scarring. Another impact would be economical. An economic impact is one that affects the business part of things, such as labor systems. â€Å"Tell them [the rubber agents] that we cannot and therefore will not find rubber; we are willing to spend our strength at any work possible, but the rubber is finished. If we must either be massacred or bring rubber, well, let them kill us; then we suppose they will be satisfied.†(20) This quote is from a village headman to Reverend Harris, a British missionary. This is from a workers point of view. It shows economic impact because it has to do with the rubber industry, which was very important in the Congo. A third impact on the Congo is political. Political impact has to do with government or people in government. One quote that gives an example of political impact is one by Reverend Whitehead, â€Å"Their chiefs are being weakened in their prestige and physique through imprisonment which is often cruel, and thus weakened in their authority over their own people they are put into chains for the shortage of manioc bread.†This means that Leopold and his people are forcing the native Congolese to back down in their government so Leopold has more power. Britain was also very involved in the Congo Free State. They were interested in the trading system it had. This effects Britain because it brought in new products to be sold, and potentially could make them money. It is important to study issues like this today so nobody makes the same mistake twice. In conclusion, imperialism in the Congo had an overall negative affect on it. Imperialism affected, not only psychologically, but also politically and economically. King Leopold II never had good intentions for the Congolese people, he just had his own self in mind.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Causes of World War vocab
The Tsarina, Alexandra, thought he was a miracle and welcomed him to the royal family. That's when he started Glenn bad advice to Tsar Nicolas. 3. Militarism Militarism is the belief that a country should have a strong military and to be prepared to use it whenever the country needs protection. Militarism is significant because this is part of the main causes of WWW. All the powers wanted to have a good military to be prepared for war. Because of being prepared all the time, WWW was quick to happen; because of just one event. 4. NationalismNationalism is the belief that your own county is the best and deserves all the power. Nationalism is significant because it's part of the base reasons why WWW happened. When Germany became a nation in 1871, it disturbed the balance of power in Europe. The other European countries thought that Germany would be a threat to their power. So all the powers thought they were the best and that caused conflicts, which caused WWW. 5. Imperialism Triple Ent ente Imperialism is a policy in which a strong nation looks to dominate other countries politically, economically or socially.This is an alliance consisting of Britain, France and Russia in 1907. This is significant because it was one of the earliest causes of WWW. The scramble for Africa to imperialism it caused many conflicts and tensions within the powers. The European powers were competing a lot between each other for African territory. Those rivalries played a big role later in the causing of WWW. This alliance was important because these were one of the biggest powers. All 3 had something in common: they didn't like Germany & Austria. That brought them to make an alliance ND had a common goal of getting rid of Germany and Australia's power.Soon that became more definite and was on the way to having WWW. 7. Triple Alliance This is an alliance consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in 1907. This alliance if significant because Germany and Austria were very close and ha d common ideas. Russia used to be with them (Emperors League) but since they got out because of the Congress of Berlin, Italy took its place. Their ideals were that they had to support previous alliances and provide a defense system against the other European powers. Because of these rivalries, it soon caused WWW. Blank Check The black check is a check that Germany gives to Austria; reassuring them that Germany will fully support Austria, no matter what. The Blank Check is significant because Germany, basically, blindly gives their support to Austria- without considering what's happen in the future. Since William II says that, it gives Austria an even bigger ego. Later Austria and Serbia have conflicts and are very close to war; at this point Germany can't back out now because they already gave their word to Austria. 9. Archduke Francis Ferdinand He is the hair to Austrian throne.He was soon to become the king of Austria until him and his wife, Sophia, got assassinated by Gabriele P rince; who was with the Black Hand group. Archduke Francis Ferdinand is significant because this is the event that really started WWW. Because of his assassination, by Gabriele Prince, Austria is furious and automatically thinks that it was Serbians doing; even without proper evidence. It does turn out that Gabriele Prince was with a group from Serbia, so that's when WWW began. 10. The Balkan states consisted of Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Greece; it made â€Å"The Balkan League†.The Balkan states were under Ottoman control. The conflicts between these states caused Balkan wars. The Balkan Crises is very significant because the Balkan states wanted independence from the Ottomans. So in 1878, Bulgaria was created in the Treaty of San Stefan, it was viewed as a Russian satellite. Then it got reduced and returned to Ottomans in the Congress of Berlin. In 1912, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Greece defeated Ottoman provinces (Albania & Macedonia) but couldn't decide how to split it, resulting in the 2nd Balkan war (1913). Then Greece, Serbia Romania and Ottomans defeated Bulgaria.Because of that, Bulgaria got a little of Macedonia- the rest was divided by Serbia & Greece. Still, Serbia was unsatisfied of the amount of land. The two Balkan wars created more tensions among the great powers. 11. Black Hand/Gabriele Prince This group was a Serbian terrorist group that wanted to create a pan-Slavic nation. It was made up of military & some government officials. Gabriele Prince was part of this group. The Black Hand is significant because Gabriele Prince was part of it. He was a big deal because Prince was responsible for the assassination of Archduke FrancisFerdinand. Since he was heir to the throne, it caused a great deal of fury in Austria. This was the major event that caused WWW. 12. Austrian Ultimatum On July 23, 1914 Austria gave Serbia a set of extreme demands if they don't want to go to war with Austria. This ultimatum is very important because when Austria gave Serbia the ultimatum, Serbia didn't agree. Serbia didn't agree because the demands were very extreme and unrealistic for a country to agree with. That resulted in Austria declaring war on Serbia on July 28. Then that started involving other countries which turned into WWW.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
5 Attention-Grabbing Presentation Techniques to Impress Your Profs
When you have a presentation at school, you want to make it interesting and worthy of attention and even the most boring topics can be brought to life when you use the right presentation techniques. When you are doing a presentation, you want to get the attention of the audience and keep them interested so they will continue listening to your speech. For this purpose you can use new trends that are gaining popularity in the presentation design world. They are setting the rules of how presentations should be created as well as delivered. As a result, you can use these 5 best presentation techniques that are growing in popularity: 1. Storytelling This could be considered as one of the most popular presentation options available. Your message is presented clearly and vividly during the presentation, and it makes it much more memorable for the audience. When you use a storytelling approach, the audience remembers much more about your presentation for a long time because the stories are interesting and logical. 2. Creative Use of Typography Playing with the typography gets the attention of the audience while you are also using an attractive and unique way to get the message across. This makes your presentation stand out from the rest by getting the attention of the audience. 3. Creative Illustrations Creative illustrations can spice up your presentation and help get attention. These illustrations can be either hand-drawn or done professionally. The illustrations, of course, need to go along with the presentation and its topic. 4. Flat Design This is a newer concept that is gaining popularity. These modern-looking slide decks give the audience a minimalist, clean look that will keep them interested. It is a simple approach because the slides and graphics are clear and easy to understand. 5. Effective Use of Colors While fonts and typography can get the attention of your audience, so can colors. Colors play a major role in keeping people interested in the presentation. You can use several colors and different types of design throughout the presentation to make people follow your every slide and feel excited before the next one. 6. Getting Everything Together If you are working on getting a presentation together, choose the best technique or combine techniques, so you can create an interesting, attention grabbing presentation that will draw in the audience and keep them focused until the end of the presentation. With the right techniques, you can impress even your professor and provide yourself with a good grade. If you can hit it over the fence with your professor, odds are you can keep the interest of others. If you choose the right attention grabbing technique for your presentation, you will be able to deliver your information successfully. The experience will also help you throughout your future career.
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